It has been a busy time for photographers over the last few weeks with camera club stuff, NPF and a set subject! So, a few things to ensure we are organised and on track for a successful month.

August Competition – Set Subject: Architecture

A reminder that set subjects apply to all sections of the competition.

Competition Night Judging

On Tuesday evening Diane Schofield will be our judge. Diane has some significant health challenges at the moment and is immune-compromised. This means Diane will wear a mask and we have to ensure we give Diane ‘space’ and don’t get too close during the evening. If you are unwell, please don’t come to our meeting. If you have prints and want to drop them off either Petro or I will put them up, take them down and store them for you.

It would be wonderful if we could all respect Diane for her willingness to continue to use her vast knowledge for our benefit and ensure that we maintain an environment that does not compromise her health and ensures she feels safe and supported.

Purchasing Mat Boards

The system for purchasing mat boards is working much better. Thank you to all members for your assistance.

If you need to purchase mat boards you need to:

  1. Transfer money to the MCC account:

BSB 062-805

Account No: 10484948
Account name: Maitland Camera Club

  • Cost: $10.00 for 3 boards
  • See Phil, or Debbie who will assist you with the stock
  • Fill in the stock tracking form and show your electronic transfer receipt.

Sculpture in the Vineyard Wollombi

This event is fast approaching – 17th – 19th September. The invitation to photograph this event is a result of the exhibition we held in February. We are the only photographers invited to participate, so it will be great to have full-on support from all members.

More details soon!

MCC Facebook Pages

As a club we have two Facebook pages. A public page which promotes the club and the images of members. Thank you to Sue Joy who maintains this site for us.

The second site is a Member’s only site. If you wish to join, you need to access the site and make a request –

Minutes and financial reports

If you are interested in the minutes of MCC meetings, financial reports or you can’t sleep and have nothing interesting to read, then the meeting records are on the MCC website under the Member’s Documents tab.