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Photography bio

Photography biography - is displayed as your judging experence
Neville cannot remember his life without photography even before he joined a camera club in 1976. In the early years he would photograph everything. As he progressed he became more attached to his love of nature in all its form.

Neville competed from camera clubs to Nationals and Internationals. His first National judging was back in 1985, the following year he judged Maitland International. Over the years Neville has received many awards.

In 1988 he was elected to the Council of Australian Photographic Society (APS) as Chairman of Nature division; from that period he has progressed through (APS) administration to the position of President 1998-2000.In recent years he has devoted attention to nature macro photography. The Photographic Society of America Nature Division awarded him the honour Photographer – Naturalist – Birds in 2018